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Women Rule Facebook, Twitter, Zynga While Men Dominate LinkedIn and Reddit

Social media is used by both men and women, however there are some places where the lines seem to be drawn.  If men are from Google+, then women are from Pinterest. We wrote about the reason why Google+ is predominately male in a recent article  here on Women Entrepreneur News.

Interestingly, on the two most dominant of the social networks, Facebook and Twitter, you may be surprised to find that women are the majority users. Women also post more frequently than men.

Women are also catching up in the formerly male dominated world of online gaming. Zynga, the largest online gaming network by far has 250 million players on their site every month of which 60% are women. Interestingly a large number of those women are over 55.

Guys still hold the lion’s share on Linkedin, which is a more professionally oriented social network. Google + is more than two thirds male users. Reddit is by far the most predominately male, with 4 out of 5 users being men.

To get a good look at how these social sites compare in terms of usage by gender, have a look at this info graphic entitled, The Battle of the Sexes from Digital Flash.

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