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Recent Trend In Women Obtaining Patents, Trademarks

A new study commissioned by the National Women’s Business Council (NWBC), has shown that women are making advancements in patents and trademarks. The research shows that over the last few decades, more and more women are applying for and obtaining them.

The numbers from 2010 show women were granted 18 percent of the total number of patents issued. Women were also awarded 33 percent of the trademarks issued to either sole proprietorships or individuals. In 2000, that number was only 14 percent, which was up from 9 percent in 1990.

The top five industries for trademarks involving women were entertainment, education, clothing, advertising and business, and miscellaneous, which included scientific and technological services and designs.

According to the study, the most women-owned patents were awarded in bio-affecting drugs, furnishings, chemistry and semi-conductor device manufacturing. The highest increase in this category of patents were in electrical computers, digital processing systems and data processing.

The council wanted to conduct the study in order to gather information on the rate of which women apply for and are granted patents because gender information is not asked for when applying for federal patents and trademarks.

A spokesperson for the NWBC said that the council conducted the study because it serves as a good indicator of entrepreneurial activity among women.

The entire report, including the methodology used to gather the information, was released at a press conference today.

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