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Study: Men Rank Lower Than Women In Career Goals

A recent poll conducted by Pew Research shows how young women who are vying for a high-paying career compare with young men with the same goals. The results? Women want it more.

The statistical data collected data from career-seekers between the ages of 18 and 34. When the participants were asked how high they rated careers on their list of priorities, 66 of the women polled listed it as being a top priority. But only 59 percent of the men surveyed listed it as their number one priority.

This shows how the trend has shifted between genders in recent years. Just 15 short years ago, the numbers were very different. When the same survey was conducted back in 197, the number of women who cited careers as being a top priority were 56 percent, while men came in at 58 percent.

With education being so readily available these days through online classes, the paradigm has shifted. Now, more and more women are taking advantage of education and moving into the workplace. While it was once so much more difficult to fit going to school into the average woman’s daily schedule, now it has been made much easier to achieve.

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