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Study: Stress Severely Impacts Women’s Hearts


Stress is known for being bad for the heart. But a new study shows that it inflicts more damage on woman’s heart than a man’s.

The study, which was conducted by researchers at Penn State College of Medicine, showed that there is an increase in blood flow to a man’s heart when he is under mental stress. However, under the same conditions, a woman’s heart shows no changes. Researchers believe that while under stress, this makes a woman’s heart more vulnerable to heart problems than a man’s.

During the study, male and female participants were evaluated during a series of tests, including ultrasounds and stress tests. These tests monitor the amount of blood flow being carried to the heart, and surrounding tissue, through blood vessels.

The results showed few differences between the genders when they were at rest. But when placed under stressful conditions, the men experienced an increase in blood flow while the women did not.

This evidence backs up previous studies which focused on why women encounter more heart trouble after stressful situations than men. One example of this is “broken heart syndrome”, which occurs when the heart muscles becomes weakened temporarily, such as after the loss of a husband. The condition is almost exclusive to women.

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